Royal Institute of Technology
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) / The Royal Institute of Technology is Swedish oldest (founded in 1827) and largest technical university with 18,000 students. The Division of Industrial Ecology at KTH is active in the new multidisciplinary field of Industrial Ecology. The division is responsible for the main part of the environmental courses given at KTH for all engineering programs. The Division is running an International Master Program in Sustainable Technology. The Division is a co-coordinator of Erasmus-Mundus SDPROMO project and a European network “Capacity building in Sustainable Development”. There are also several distance learning courses for industry and authorities. KTH has a long-term cooperation with all participated partner Universities from the third countries, funded by European Commission (Tempus, Tacis CBC and Interreg) as well as national funds (SI and SIDA).